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  • IATSE Local 415 is a Union of industry professionals with common goals. We specialize in providing well-trained, professional and reliable crews for everything invoved with event production. We are dedicated to the protection of safe and fair working conditions for everyone working in the entertainment industry in Southern Arizona.  Our tools are collective bargaining and collective action.  

    UnionActive IBEW Newswire
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    Updated: Oct. 22 (04:59)

    Milliman Log In
    IBEW Local 684
    Vote your paycheck
    IBEW local 2325
    Local 2325 Thanksgiving Feed A Family
    IBEW local 2325
    Downtown Everett Trick or Treating Saturday Oct. 26th from 12-5pm
    IBEW Local 191
    Union Stewards Class, Friday November 22nd - in Bellingham
    IBEW Local 191
    IBEW Local 6
    UnionActive Newswire
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    Updated: Oct. 22 (06:04)

    2024 Endorsements
    El Paso Municipal Police Officers' Association
    New Film Documents Struggle, Triumph of Amazon Labor Union
    Teamsters Local 355
    Local 150 Phones are Down
    Teamsters Local 150
    New Film Documents Struggle, Triumph of Amazon Labor Union
    Teamsters Local 992
    Local 2325 Thanksgiving Feed A Family
    IBEW local 2325
    Week Ending 10/19/2024
    Teamsters Local 355
    Proudly serving Southern Arizona for over 90 years
    You can now make online payments to Local 415 using PayPal.

    SAFETY FIRST! ONLINE COURSES The Safety First! Online Courses promote safe working conditions by providing information, tools, and resources to recognize potential hazards and minimize risks. Case studies from the various crafts are included, making the curriculum relevant across the IATSE workforce. This is the same material as the Safety First.

IATSE Local 415
P.O. Box 990
Tucson, AZ 85702
  (520) 882-9126

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